Shaunavon & District Fire & Rescue is changing it up this Boomtown Christmas!! SDFR will be collecting donations for the Shaunavon Food Bank during the Parade of Lights. Acceptable Items: Non-Perishable Food, Personal Care Items, Cleaning Supplies, Laundry Supplies or Cash Donation. Gather your items, and give them to one of our firefighters walking during the parade and share the holiday spirit with those in need!
The Town has properties for sale by sealed tender. Tenders must clearly indicate which properties are being bid upon; include a certified cheque to the Town for 5% of the tendered amount; and be submitted in a sealed envelope marked
“Shaunavon Property Tender, Attention: Brian Tuntland”
and be received by Thursday, December 15th at 2:00 p.m. by the Auditor for the Municipality:
Stark & Marsh CPA LLP
P.O. Box 128
Swift Current, SK
S9H 3V5
or delivered to either of their offices:
365 Central Avenue North, Swift Current; or to 910 Third Avenue West, Shaunavon.
Highest or any Tender not necessarily accepted.
Successful bidders will have thirty days to provide the balance of cash to complete the purchase.
For further information or questions, please call the Town Office at (306) 297-2605.
Dated this 23rd day of November, 2022
Tara Fritz, CAO