SUMMER JOB ALERT Looking for a fun, active, and sun-soaked summer job? The SWT Pool is hiring lifeguards and pool staff for the 2025 season! POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Swimming Pool Manager Assistant Pool Manager/Head Instructor Lifeguard/Instructor GET CERTIFIED—WE’LL HELP COVER THE COST! The Town of Shaunavon’s NL Incentive Program reimburses you for your National Lifeguard (NL) certification fees!
The Town of Shaunavon’s “Application for a Development / Building Permit” has been reassessed to be split into two separate applications, now being the “Application for a Development Permit” and “Application for a Building Permit”. This change has been made to distinguish between a Development Permit and a Building Permit, and clarify circumstances when an application for each permit is required:
- A DEVELOPMENT PERMIT is required in cases where any building, engineering, mining or other operations in, on, or over land or the making of any material change in the use or intensity of the use of any building or land (as per the Building Guidelines and Zoning Bylaw).
NOTE: A Development Permit is necessary for owners who plan to operate in an existing building and are changing the use of any building or land (as stated above), because they must indicate the Proposed Land Use / description of Proposed Development in the Development Permit. This must be approved as per the Town of Shaunavon Zoning Bylaw, prior to proceeding with development.
- A BUILDING PERMIT is required for the commencement of construction, erection, placement, alteration, repair, demolition, relocation, removal, or change of occupancy of any building by any person (as per the Building Bylaw No. 2022-12). In these instances, the owner or owner’s representative MUST have an approved and valid Development Permit issued by the Town of Shaunavon before an application for a building permit may be submitted. (Building Bylaw No. 2022-12 S.6(1) ).
To summarize, under the Building Bylaw and Zoning Bylaw, ALL applications for Building Permits REQUIRE an APPROVED Development Permit PRIOR, such as outlined above.
To view the full Zoning Bylaw (Consolidated 2022), Building Bylaw No. 2020-09, Building Guidelines, Application for a Development Permit, Application for a Building Permit and Building Inspection Charges, please visit our Bylaws, Policies, and Forms page on our website at
Application Forms can be filled out online, but must be printed, signed and dropped off at the Town Office (401 3rd St West) during Office Hours (Monday through Friday 8am to 4pm).
Note: No permits are needed for detached accessory buildings less than 100 sq. ft, however set-backs are still required to be met. Fences and signs do not require a permit, but must conform to Town Bylaws and Policies.
If you have any questions, please phone the Town Office at 306-297-2605.