SUMMER JOB ALERT Looking for a fun, active, and sun-soaked summer job? The SWT Pool is hiring lifeguards and pool staff for the 2025 season! POSITIONS AVAILABLE: Swimming Pool Manager Assistant Pool Manager/Head Instructor Lifeguard/Instructor GET CERTIFIED—WE’LL HELP COVER THE COST! The Town of Shaunavon’s NL Incentive Program reimburses you for your National Lifeguard (NL) certification fees!
The Town of Shaunavon has released the 2023 Budget Announcement:
The 2023 consolidated operating and capital budget was adopted by Shaunavon Council members at the regular Council Meeting on March 21, 2023.
The budget was approved with an operating budget of $4,992,724 and $2,433,327 in capital expenditures, with a net property tax levy requirement of $2,163,209.
“The Provincial and National Consumer Price Index (cost of living) were taken into consideration while effectively managing tax dollars. The reality is that there has been a dramatic increase to expenditures including materials and construction costs, as well as in SaskPower & Energy utility costs due to increased rates and Carbon Tax,” stated Shaunavon’s Mayor, Kyle Bennett.
The 2023 Uniform Municipal Mill Rate remains to be the same as 2022, with the minimum land requirement being adjusted to $1320 per residential and commercial property. This represents a 5.5% increase in property tax revenues with an additional 1% accounting for the natural growth of the town through new developments.
The utility operating budget revenues of $663,060 will reflect a slight increase of $2.50 to utilities per month, effective July 1st, 2023. The total utility operating expenditures of $606,315 reflect these increases, with a capital expenditure of $974,375 budgeted to complete the last of the UV disinfection upgrades to the remaining 2 wells. Application for grant funding for this project is currently pending, with hopes of approval to help cover the costs of this major capital investment project.
Mayor Bennett highlights the continuation of investing in our water treatment system and water mains. Upon the successful completion of the Hydrant Replacement Project in 2022, this year an amount of $25,000 is budgeted for reclamation of the hydrant replacement sites (landscaping, sidewalks and paving) where required. Additionally, budgeted amounts of over $100,000 are allotted for this year’s Water Main Valve Replacement Program, as many of the current valves are aged and do not exercise properly. “These major water projects contribute to many factors like improving the water quality, reducing chlorine requirements within our water systems, and improving safety in our community,” said Mayor Bennett.
The town’s budget allocates funds to numerous large initiatives such as upgrades to parks, facilities, and infrastructure maintenance on local streets, sewers, water distribution system, sidewalks, and more. These plans to invest in parks, facilities, and infrastructure aim to establish proactive efforts that will save larger costs down the road, all the while improving and sustaining the quality of life within the community.
Approximately $652,945 is budgeted to cover the aggressive paving and crack repairs/slurry sealing in 2023. An amount of $129,214 will be put towards sewer main relining and manhole repairs in 2023, with an additional budget of $46,000 set aside for tree trimming.
The budget includes $100,000 put towards sidewalk repairs, where $90,000 worth of cost-share funds are available for the 50/50 Sidewalk Program, and the remaining $10,000 is to repair sidewalks of concern identified by the town. The Lateral Sewer Incentive Program has been approved for 2023, where the requirement of five approved applicants for the project to proceed remains in place. Notably, due to the recent increase in the cost of goods and services, the Town has approved the maximum amount of funds available from the town for this cost-share program to increase from $3,550 to $4,500 per property. The Dilapidated Building Demolition Program will also continue in 2023, with $60,000 allocated into the cost-share program. The Property Improvement Program is approved for 2023, as the program continues to receive positive uptake; funding is available by application on a first-come first-served basis.
The Town of Shaunavon is continuing to highlight safety in the community, with the successful installation of light-up pedestrian crosswalk signs at each of Shaunavon’s school zones in 2022, thanks to grant funding from TC Energy for $7,000 and from the Provincial Traffic Safety Fund for $13,258. To further safety initiatives within Shaunavon, the town will further apply for grant funding to install portable speed signs in the community.
Wellness & Leisure has budgeted $20,000 to continue Shawnee Hall exterior upgrades. Wellness & Leisure has applied for grant funding to assist with costs of replacing the boiler at the outdoor pool ($85,000 project). Improvements to the ball diamond area and the CPWC parking lots will be underway with approved budgets to install power sources at the ball diamonds and parking blocks at the CPWC. Wellness & Leisure are also exploring the addition of seating and a shaded area at the Splash Park, and installing walking path lights ($100,000 project) which will proceed on the contingency of receiving grant funding.
An amount of $10,000 has been budgeted for the Grand Coteau Heritage and Cultural Centre to improve water drainage around the building. The Grand Coteau will be receiving programming grants from the Town of Shaunavon to put towards expanding their outreach, activities, and connections for the Town of Shaunavon through program services.
A total of $20,000 was awarded to the Town of Shaunavon from the Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation Grant to assist with the $52,545 cost to finish the Town Hall window upgrades on the upper level of the building.
Mayor Bennett noted that in 2022 “We have been awarded a grant through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities in the amount of $50,000 to assist with our Asset Management Plan.” To date, an Asset Management strategy and policy have been created, with plans regarding roads, sidewalks and administration buildings already developed. Plans for additional assets will continue to be established.
The town is currently finalizing the Strategic Plan for the years 2023-2028. Public engagement sessions through surveys and focus groups were utilized to gather information and direction from citizens. Based on this collection of information, Council and Administration are determining main goals, objectives, and action items for the next 5 years. Upon completion, the Strategic Plan will be rolled out to the public through a Town Hall meeting and through the media.
“Within the budget process, the commercial and residential tax rates were reviewed to similar surrounding communities and Shaunavon remains to be very competitive in comparison,” said Tara Fritz, the town’s Chief Administrative Officer. She emphasizes that the town’s major capital investments are water, sewer, sidewalks and paving, leading to proactive efforts in maintaining the town’s core infrastructure.
The full 2023 consolidated operating and capital budget is available to be viewed on the Town of Shaunavon website at