CPWC 2024-2025 TENDERS OPEN: Concession Booth and Lounge Manager

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The tender consists of operating the concession booth and/or lounge for the 2024-25 winter season in the Crescent Point Wickenheiser Centre. Conditions of the tender, equipment and particulars are available from the Wellness & Leisure office at 297-3029 or via email at recreation.shaunavon@sasktel.net.

For the tender descriptions please visit https://www.shaunavon.com/page/wellness-leisure/. On site viewing may be arranged through the Director of Wellness and Leisure. Sealed bids marked “Crescent Point Wickenheiser Centre” will be received by the Wellness and Leisure Committee Box 1047 Shaunavon, Sk. S0N 2M0, until September 4 2024.

Lounge Manager Contract Description

CPWC Concession Contract Description