Head down to the CPWC on Friday January 24th for Hockey Night in Shaunavon - Sponsored by Rocky Mountain Equipment. Enjoy shaved beef on a bun for supper at 5:30pm upstairs in the Greenslade Lounge, and stick around for fun equipment demos and cheer on the Shaunavon Senior Badgers as they battle the Cabri Bulldogs!
We are calling all citizens in Shaunavon, the prairies, and the surrounding areas to ACTION!
To our knowledge, CBSA will be moving forward with a decision to reduce hours of service at ports of entry across the Prairies with little to no consultation with surrounding communities or stakeholders, and the USCBP appears to be following suit with similar changes on the U.S. side. The repercussions for families, local businesses, and community organizations with cross-border personal and commercial traffic will be severely affected with this reduction of hours. Anyone concerned about these potentially devastating changes needs to ACT NOW.
Click HERE to sign the Petition to Oppose Reduction of Border Hours by Canada Border Services Agency.
You may also fill out and send this Letter of Concern.
Send the letter to the CBSA and local MPs & MLAs contacts that are listed here:
CBSA Prairie Regional Director General Janalee Bell-Boychuck: janalee.bell-boychuck@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca
CBSA President Erin O-Gorman: erin.ogorman@cbsa-asfc.gc.ca
US Customs and Border Protection
Honorable Doug Steele, MLA Cypress Hills; steelemla@sasktel.net
Honorable Jeremy Patzer; M.P. Cypress Hills – Grasslands; Jeremy.Patzer@parl.gc.ca
The Honorable Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada; justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca
We encourage you to reach out to Public Service Alliance of Canada personnel Marianne Hladun HladunM@psac-afpc.com and Brea Baresinkoff brea.bareskinoff@ciu-sdie.ca for more information. We have forwarded this petition and letter to municipalities across the Saskatchewan and Manitoba prairies to forward this call to action, urging citizens across the prairies to ACT.