Me Time Shaunavon Partners Invite you to a HOLIDAY JINGLE MINGLE Thursday, December 14 starting at 6:30 p.m. at the Greenslade Lounge – CPWC Upper Level Come and enjoy some FabYULEous Holiday Festivities! Special guests will share stories of winter holiday traditions from around the world! Try your hand at decorating cookies with Tammy, Play games, Socialize and have fun!
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We would like to kindly remind residents that the deadline for payment of 2023 utilities and property taxes is swiftly approaching. Property Taxes and Utilities are due ON OR BEFORE Friday December 29, 2023 BY 4PM. Please ensure that payments MUST be received IN OUR OFFICE on or before this day.
Shaunavon Silver Blades invites you to an hour of FREE skating December 3 from 10-11am at the CPWC ALL AGES Hot cocoa and cookies provided!
It’s that time of year to spread holiday cheer! Decorate the front of your house and/or yard for Christmas & register for this year’s TWINKLE TOUR and your home could be labelled one of the following titles: Merry & Bright A Disney Delight Holiday Traditions Deadline to register: Dec. 13th at 4pm Judging will be by community vote - more information to come!
Saturday, December 9 The Museum, Gallery, & Library have lots of activities planned for the afternoon of Boomtown Christmas – check out the poster for the complete list. And you won’t even have to go home and cook supper before the parade, because we will be hosting a FUNDRAISING HOT DOG SALE that evening.