Do you drive and have some spare time? Age Friendly Shaunavon is looking for drivers to assist seniors with completing some daily tasks that we may all take from granted, yet having that extra help, for a senior, can be invaluable. Grocery shopping, paying bills, getting to a doctor appointment or attending a social program.
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The Town of Shaunavon has formulated a tentative schedule to initiate the Gate Valve Replacement Program over the coming weeks. Replacements will occur on July 27th through August 17th, 2023 with the affected areas scheduled in the colour-coded map below. Water services for properties in the affected areas will be disrupted intermittently for up to 3-4 hours at a time while gate valve replacements are underway.
The Town of Shaunavon is continuing to grow and as they begin a new strategic cycle are seeking a skilled and dynamic leader for the role of Chief Administrative Officer. As part of the larger capacity enhancement project that the Town is currently undergoing, this role will be essential to leading the Town to realize its full potential.
With these high temperatures we’re experiencing and the lack of subsoil moisture recently, the Town of Shaunavon is urging residents to be mindful of your water usage, including not watering lawns during the heat of the day. Watering your lawn during mid-day is less effective and wasteful, as most of the water evaporates in the heat.
Thanks to the support of Affinity Credit Union’s District Council Funding, a new camera security system has now been installed at Memorial Park. The camera system has been mounted to the washroom facility and covers the adjacent areas of Memorial Park. Signs have been posted in the area to make users aware that the it is now being monitored by cameras.