The Town of Shaunavon is excited to announce that we have received $1,100 from Affinity Credit Union’s District Council Funding to assist with costs associated with the purchase and installation of a camera security system in Memorial Park. The Town is proud to offer high quality facilities and amenities to residents and visitors alike.
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Join us at the SWT Swimming Pool for the first POOL PARTY of 2023!! Friday July 21st from 8 - 10pm Summer Active is hosting a SURGE Glow Swim!! “SURGE” is open to kids ages 8 and up - there will be games, prizes and snacks. Admission is only $2.00 for those without a season pass!
FROM THE DESK OF THE MAYOR; Shaunavon Mayor Kyle Bennett would like to share a message with the community! “We are so proud of how immaculate our town looks this time of year. Great job to our residents, town staff and town summer students for all your hard work in keeping our community looking beautiful!
BOOMTOWN OR BUST Escape Adventure invites you to travel back in time for a real life Shaunavon escape adventure you won’t soon forget! You and your friends have only 45 minutes to find the clues, solve the riddles and complete the challenge! And what better time to pilot this fun adventure than during Shaunavon’s very own BOOMTOWN DAYS!
Shaunavon Boomtown Days kicks off with STREET BINGO at the Grand Coteau Heritage and Cultural Centre – with $350 in prizes up for grabs! WHEN: THURSDAY, JULY 13 - from 7:00 to 9:30pm WHERE: Centre Street in front of the Grand Coteau Heritage and Cultural Centre. There will be barricades on the street by about 6:00 pm – watch for the parking attendants who will let you know where you can park.