The Town of Shaunavon is reminding property owners of the Fire Protection Bylaw No. 2022-09 that took effect on January 1st, 2023. This bylaw states that the cost of fire prevention, suppression and emergency response services shall be charged directly to the property owners who receive the services in accordance with rates contained within the Fire Protection Bylaw.
Get updated with the latest news in Shaunavon
Join us for another Shaunavon Library Cafe! Enjoy a special coffee, tea or steamed milk. Our special guests will be Hester and Willie Groenewald who will be sharing their stories and experiences from South Africa. Come alone or bring a friend. You deserve some Me Time!
Shaunavon Wellness & Leisure has purchased a Cross Country Ski Trail Groomer for cross country skiers to utilize in the winter months. A compacted trail surface with set tracks will help skis to glide forward so that skiing is easier, beginners can learn to ski under control more quickly, and skiers can go further more efficiently!
Is taking control of your spending habits and creating a budget one of your New Year’s Resolutions? Are you wanting to have a better understanding of your finances? Our next Me Time Event: Financial Literacy Workshop, is a great way to learn about aspects of Financial Planning, including “tips to curb unconscious spending habits”
Did you know that we begin accepting payments for property taxes in January for the current year? The 2023 tax notices will not be mailed until the assessment for the year has been established and the mill rate set. Discounts are based off of 2022’s tax levy as 2023 taxes will not be levied until at least April.