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We are so happy to welcome the warmer weather we’ve been having! Although, this increase in temperature does mean that the Braydon Coburn Outdoor Rink ice surface is now CLOSED for the rest of the season. Thank you to all the volunteers, to Public Works and to the Shaunavon and District Fire and Rescue who helped clear the snow and maintain the ice surface throughout the season!

Provincial regulations prohibit pruning of elm trees from April 1 to August 31 each year. The beetles are most active then, and fresh cuts attract them, increasing the chance of infection. Dutch elm disease (DED) is caused by a fungus spread by tiny elm bark beetles that breed under the bark of dead or dying elm wood.


The Town of Shaunavon would like to remind all business owners that in order to offer your business within the Town of Shaunavon you must obtain a business license. Business licenses are available for purchase at the Town Office. The Business Directory will be updated in April where businesses without a license will be removed from the directory.

The Council of the Town of Shaunavon, pursuant to Section 207 of The Planning and Development Act, 2007, hereby gives notice of its intention to amend Zoning Bylaw 2012-11 by passing Bylaw 2022-07: Intent: This text amendment is to provide for general bylaw housekeeping, and to amend Part 2 – Interpretation:

Does your home or business experience frequent or recurring sewer blockages? The Town of Shaunavon is accepting applications from those with eligible properties for the 2022 Lateral Sewer Line Replacement Policy. The “Lateral Sewer Line Replacement Policy” encourages the replacement of private property lateral sewer lines within the Town of Shaunavon.