
Get updated with the latest news in Shaunavon


The Town of Shaunavon will be having a grader come in to assist with snow removal on the evening of MONDAY JANUARY 31ST 2022. AREAS AFFECTED: SCHOOL ZONES 5th Avenue from Centre Street to 4th Street W 7th Avenue from Centre Street to 4th Street W 6th Avenue from Centre Street to 5th Street E

The Town has properties for sale by sealed tender. Please note the following change on the properties for sale by sealed tender: Property 346 Third Avenue West, Lots 5-6, Block 10, Plan B3185, 50x120ft will be TENDERED AT A LATER DATE. Tenders must clearly indicate which properties, or combination of properties, are being bid upon; include a certified cheque to the Town of Shaunavon for 5% of the tendered amount, and be submitted in a sealed envelope marked “Shaunavon Property Tender, Attention: Brian Tuntland”

The Shaunavon RCMP would like to offer a new online crime reporting tool for the reporting of NON-URGENT crime matters. *If a crime is in-progress or the matter is an emergency, citizens are still requested to call 911 to receive the appropriate Police response.* The RCMP recognize that people have different schedules and not all crimes need to be reported immediately.

Having a dependable and delectable-tasting coffee is crucial to make it through the day. Caffeine isn’t the only important piece behind a good cup of Joe, it’s also about the overall sense of belonging, and being a part of coffee culture! Shaunavon offers exquisite caffeine drinks and friendly atmospheres for the perfect experience.

E-Bill Notice

Utility E-Bills have been sent out for those who are signed up to receive them. We please ask those who are signed up but have not received theirs to log into your email account on your browser and check the spam folder. If you’re interested in receiving Utility and Tax notices electronically, you can download The Town of Shaunavon “E-bill Authorization Form” here.