Bylaws, Policies & Forms



Bylaw Officer Lingenfelter is responsible for conducting bylaw inspections, investigating and processing complaints and enforcing a broad range of municipal bylaws, regulations, and legislation. The regional communities that the Bylaw Officer supports include the Town of Shaunavon, the Town of Gull Lake, the Town of Eastend, the Village of Frontier, the Village of Climax, RM of Piapot No. 110, RM of Carmichael No. 109, and RM of Pinto Creek No. 75, Village of Richmound, RM of Glen Mcpherson No. 46, and Village of Mankota.

The Town of Shaunavon Council has declared the permittance of a body/dash camera to be utilized by the Regional Bylaw Officer while on duty. The Regional Bylaw Officer shall notify the citizen being addressed that they will be video and audio recorded during the time of the encounter. The purpose of the implementation of this type of surveillance is to maintain transparency and to protect both citizens and the enforcement officer.

Report Suspected Bylaw Infractions

Suspected bylaw violations can be submitted to the Shaunavon Town Office in writing or by dropping off the Bylaw complaint form. The complaint form is available at the Town Office or DOWNLOAD THE FORM HERE. Email the completed form to

To aid staff in responding to your complaint in a timely manner, please ensure the following information is completed on the form:

  • Your name and phone number for contact, if follow-up is required
  • The address and location of the property for which you are submitting a complaint
  • A short and concise description of the complaint

Any personal information you provide is confidential and will not be disclosed to the subject of the complaint. It is important to have the complaint in writing for future references.

What happens after I submit a bylaw complaint?

  • The staff at the Town Office will file your complaint into the system and then forward it to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer.
  • The assigned officer will visit the location of the complaint to conduct an initial inspection. Depending on the volume of complaints and available time, it may take several days before an initial inspection occurs. Complaints are handled on a priority basis.
  • If there appears to be a bylaw violation, the officer will take appropriate action to achieve compliance, depending on the type of violation.

Please see the Town of Shaunavon Bylaws, Policies & Forms below.

For information on Bylaws, Polices & Forms not included in this list, please contact the Town Office.

Building & Development Permits


  • Building Guidelines *An Application for a Building Permit and Development Permit is required for all structural construction projects within the Town, including decks. No permits are needed for detached accessory buildings less than 100 sq. ft, however set-backs are still required to be met. Fences and signs do not require a permit, but must conform to Town Bylaws and Policies.
  1. Development Permit Application
  2. Building/Demolition/Removal Permit Application an approved and valid Development Permit issued by the Town of Shaunavon is REQUIRED upon submission of a Building Permit


  1. MuniCode Building Permit Requirements
  2. MuniCode Deck Requirements
  3. MuniCode Attached Garage
  4. MuniCode Detached Garage
  5. MuniCode Mobile Home


Lottery License & Liquor Permit Applications

The Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority (SLGA) may issue a licence pursuant to subsection 207 (l)(b) of the Criminal Code, authorizing charitable or religious organizations to conduct and manage lottery schemes.

Applications can be made online directly to the SLGA. For more information, and how to apply, visit the SLGA WEBSITE HERE

Property Pin Locate

Shaunavon Positive Ticketing Program

Shaunavon Positive Ticketing Program

Shaunavon RCMP Officers and the Town of Shaunavon Regional Bylaw Officer handed out over 70 Positive Tickets to youth from June until the end of September this year for Project Positivity! Youth who demonstrated road safety behaviours throughout the community may be rewarded with a “positive ticket” which can be redeemed the a local business on the back of the ticket for a prize! Some road safety behaviors include utilizing the light up pedestrian crosswalks, wearing a bike helmet when riding a bicycle, or other safe behaviors as officers see fit!

This was a fantastic program to partner with our local RCMP to execute, and with local businesses! Further, Positive Ticketing aids in developing healthy relationships between youth and enforcement officers, as well as the community! Stay tuned for the program in 2024.

Derelict Vehicle Removal Program

Derelict Vehicle Removal Program

Not sure how to deal with that derelict (aka junk) vehicle in your yard? We have a solution!!

Back in May 2023, the Town of Shaunavon partnered with A&B Auto Centre where property owners could register the vehicle with the Town Office, and A&B’s tow truck would remove the vehicle free of charge to the owner. Since this program received such a positive uptake, it is continuing to be offered to Shaunavon residents!

If you own a derelict vehicle that you would like removed from your property, you may phone the Town Office at (306) 297-2605 during office hours to sign up for the program.

View the Nuisance Abatement Bylaw for more information

Shaunavon CAA School Assessments

Shaunavon CAA School Assessments

The Town of Shaunavon has installed flashing pedestrian crosswalk signs at each of Shaunavon’s schools (Christ the King School, Shaunavon Public School, and Shaunavon High School) as part of our School Zone Safety Initiative. This initiative was created due to the observation of continuous risky behaviours in our school zones by our Regional Bylaw Officer. A CAA School Zone Safety Assessment was conducted at each of Shaunavon’s schools to identify the key safety problems that occur. Access each CAA Assessment by clicking the links below:

Shaunavon Public School CAA Assessment - March 29, 2022

Christ the King School CAA Assessment - May 18, 2022

Shaunavon High School CAA Assessment - June 20, 2022