Public Notice & Reports

Public Notice - Council & Committee Meetings

Town Council Regular Council Meeting - Tuesday March 18th, 2025 @ 7pm at Town Hall

Council Meeting Agenda Tuesday March 18th

PUBLIC NOTICE - COUNCIL MEETING DATES Please note that the General Council Meeting dates in April have been rescheduled to:
Monday April 7, 2025 at 7:00PM
Tuesday April 22, 2025 at 7:00PM
at the Town of Shaunavon Council Chambers.
Thank you!



The Town of Shaunavon is taking a proactive effort in managing gopher populations this spring to decrease negative impacts of gophers which includes land/property damage, disease transmission, and walking hazards.

To accomplish this, Rozol (a grain-treated pesticide) will be placed in bait stations where gopher ingestion of the grain-fed pesticide will cause extermination a few days later. Each bait station will include a label indicating the use of pesticide. For full information on the pesticide used, you can Click HERE to view the Rozol Safety Data Sheet

A total of 20 bait stations will be utilized and rotated throughout the following locations:

  • Hillcrest Cemetery
  • 1st Avenue along the train tracks
  • Ball Diamond area
  • Around the TransCanada Walking Trail
  • Green space east of the Shaunavon Hospital & Care Centre
  • Benchview green space

With this in mind, the Town of Shaunavon is reminding pet owners to always keep pets on leashes when in open parks, green spaces, cemeteries and trails, as per the Animal Control Bylaw.

This pesticide is harmless to birds and non-target animals (only very large amounts ingested result in negative health impacts for larger animals). There is minimal chance of secondary poisoning, but pet owners should still be cautious and observant of their pets when out walking.

View the Town of Shaunavon’s pet leashing protocols in the Animal Control Bylaw.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping Shaunavon beautiful.

2024 Consolidated Operating Budget

2024 Consolidated Operating Budget 2024 Consolidated Operating Budget
View the Town of Shaunavon 2024 Consolidated Budget here.

2023-2028 Town of Shaunavon Strategic Plan

2023-2028 Town of Shaunavon Strategic Plan

The Town of Shaunavon is proud to announce that we have finalized our **5-year Strategic Plan for the years 2023-2028.

Over the next five years, our plan is to focus on socioeconomic growth, community inclusiveness, and effective governance through transparent communication to offer the highest quality of life to our residents and support the needs of Southwest Saskatchewan. The new Strategic Plan encompasses similar themes to the previous 2017-2022 Plan, with some slight shifts in focus for the strategic direction based on what Council and Administration heard from the community.

Town Administration and Council will be following the strategic direction of the plan laid out moving forward. A public Town Hall will be held in the fall to present the progress of the new Strategic Plan. Throughout the week, we will be highlighting the 3 main goals that have been established on our media platforms.

We are looking forward to continue working with our residents and surrounding areas to make Shaunavon a community of choice to live, work, play and invest!



The 2023 Drinking Water Quality & Compliance Annual Notice to Consumers is now available.

Click here to view the summary for the Town of Shaunavon’s water quality and sample submission for the 2023 calendar year

Funding Secured from Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) for Shaunavon’s 2023/24 UV Disinfection Upgrades Project

Funding Secured from Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) for Shaunavon’s 2023/24 UV Disinfection Upgrades Project

The Town of Shaunavon is thrilled to announce that funding has been secured for our 2023/24 UltraViolet Disinfection Upgrades Project under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) to assist with the eligible costs to upgrade the final two wells to incorporate ultraviolet (UV) light as the source of primary disinfection. The project will be funded in part by the Government of Canada ($458,534), the Government of Saskatchewan ($382,074) and the Town of Shaunavon ($305,727).

“This is fantastic news for our community. Safe and reliable drinking water is essential for our residents and businesses to grow and prosper. These upgrades to our well treatment system will enable us to reduce the amount of chemicals added to our water by using UV disinfection technology to ensure our water is safe and of the highest quality. The ICIP grant also allows us to budget money for other upgrades to our infrastructure that we would have otherwise spent on this much needed UV project.” – Mayor Kyle Bennett

In Spring 2018, The Town of Shaunavon initiated a pilot project on Well #5 to add the process of ultraviolet (UV) disinfection to the water before it enters the distribution system, to achieve primary disinfection. After inspection by the Water Security Agency and evaluation by Council, the Town of Shaunavon declared that the pilot project met its objectives and would move forward to apply for funding under the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). Secured funding was then received to upgrade an additional four (4) of the existing well sites to include UV Light disinfection systems. The incorporation of UV disinfection is much more cost effective as it will reduce the usage of chlorine while improving consumer safety and the quality of drinking water. Chlorine will then only be required to maintain secondary disinfection.

For more information on the official announcement from the Government of Saskatchewan, please visit